GRASYS Supplied Nitrogen Plant for LLC Nyagangazpererabotka
OREANDA-NEWS. November 25, 2009. Pursuant to a recent contract, GRASYS has supplied a nitrogen plant rated for production of 100 cu. m. of 99.6% nitrogen per hour for the gas processing enterprise LLC Nyagangazpererabotka. Nitrogen to be produced with the GRASYS plant will be used to ensure compliance with the process requirements of the liquefied hydrocarbon gases production.
LLC Nyagangazpererabotka is engaged in collection and processing of associated petroleum gas in the Krasnoleninsky arch of oil fields, production of dry, stripped gas and stable natural gasoline, gas transportation to the gas trunk-line system of OJSC Gazprom, gas supply for Nyagan and Urai.
Plant upgrading will allow LLC Nyagangazpererabotka boosting its output of process propane-butane up to 180 thous. tons per year through enhanced processing of associated petroleum gas and additional recovery of desired cut.
The main units of the supplied membrane nitrogen plant are the compressor unit, air pre-treatment unit, gas separation unit and the control system. The gas separation unit consists of specially configured modules producing required purity nitrogen from ambient air.
GRASYS nitrogen plant operates in a completely automatic mode with automated maintenance and control of working parameters requiring no manned attendance. The plant performance characteristics were optimally selected to match the customer plant process requirements.
GRASYS membrane plants for nitrogen production find the broadest use in oil and gas industry, at chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical and food plants and in many other industries.
GRASYS is one of the world leading producers of membrane and adsorption plants for nitrogen and oxygen production, gas mix control etc.