OREANDA-NEWS. November 25, 2009. Sibirtelecom Company has almost completed the installation of the switching equipment produced by IskraUralTEL Ural Company on the communication network in the city of Novoaltaisk, Altai Krai. By the end of this year, three more digital exchanges A320 with a total capacity of about 200 numbers will be installed. 

This is not the first time that Siberian communication operator and IskraUralTEL CJSC work together.  Today over 16.5% electronic automatic exchanges in the Altai Krai are produced by this Company. The total numbering capacity of their exchanges in the region is over 92.8 thousand numbers.

The first digital exchanges produced by IskraUralTEL CJSC were installed in the cities of Kamen-na-Obi and Slavgorod as early as 1998. At present they are represented in several district centers and small towns in the Krai. Here, a greater part of the equipment Si 2000 and А 320 (58.6%) was installed in the rural area. An appropriate combination of “price-quality” parameters makes it possible to effectively implement and update the equipment of IskraUralTEL CJSC in the settlements with the population of average size (10-30 thousand people).

Besides digitalization of the rural area, one of the last joint projects of the Company is the construction of the multiservice access node in the Biryuzovaya Katun (Turquoise Katun) tourist area, the participation in implementation of all stages of “Universal Service”, as well as the installation of the new-generation exchange with a technology of packet switching Si 3000 in the Belokurikha resort city. Also both companies implemented a project on the establishment of the common system of monitoring and management of the exchanges installed in the Altai Krai.

“We have been efficiently working with IskraUralTEL CJSC for a long time," said Yury Terentyev, Deputy General Director of Sibirtelecom OJSC and Director of the Altai Branch. “Due to a big choice of own and partner products, this Company can offer ended solutions ranging from the subscriber equipment to the systems of application level.”

Sibirtelecom Company assigned over 10 mln rubles for the purchase of the Company equipment produced by IskraUralTEL CJSC in Altai Krai in 2008-2009.