Moldcell Informs on Realization of Its Scholarship Project
OREANDA-NEWS. November 19, 2009. 25 students, the winners of the fifth edition of Moldcell Scholarship annual project paid a visit to Moldcell headquarters in order to meet the team, learn more about the future collaboration plan and receive the scholars’ diplomas.
During five years “MOLDCELL Scholarship” project has been offering students financial support and advantages of the long term collaboration perspective – the occasion to learn from and to work together with the best experts from Moldova.
The novelty of this edition was that not only final year students, but also young people pursuing Masters Degrees were eligible to participate in the project. Besides, more activities for young specialists were included in the individual programs of scholars’ training.
MOLDCELL Scholarship project, enlarged and improved over the years, gains more and more popularity among Moldovan students who are willing to get acquainted with the activity of one of the biggest companies on the Moldovan market, with its corporate culture and the working procedures at European standards. Taking into account the impressive quantity of registrations within this edition Moldcell Company extended the period of application submission by one month.
The winners are 20 last year students and 5 students pursuing Master degree from 4 universities of the capital (ASEM, USM, ULIM and UTM) who have successfully passed 2 contest steps – the submission of the application and the interview.
MOLDCELL general manager, M. Chiril Gaburici, handed the scholars’ diplomas to the students in a festive environment. In his congratulation speech, M. Gaburici mentioned that: “MOLDCELL scholarship” project is one of the few national programs which help training a new generation of professionals with European views concerning the development of sustainable business. The charm of this project resides in the fact that we don’t only offer financial support to the young people, but also additional training plus employment opportunities right after graduation from the university.”
Moldcell Scholarship 2005 – 2009:
The range of participants per edition increased from 15 to 25,
The total amount of the scholarship increased from USD 400 to USD 1080,
The number of universities having the right to participate in the contest expanded. Institutions from the Northern and the Southern regions of the country were also included in the project.
All in all, there are 109 beneficiaries of “MOLDCELL scholarship”;
25 scholars received job offers, 19 of them are now part from operator’s family, with 338 employees
The total budget offered for the scholarships within all five editions of the project is of approx. USD 108 000.