OREANDA-NEWS. November 16, 2009. The third meeting of JSC “TGC-2” Public Committee took place in the Government of Yaroslavl region. The Governor of Yaroslavl region, Chairman of Public Committee Sergey Vakhrukov opened the Setting. “There is an interregional cooperation of power and business in the context of JSC “TGC-2” Public Committee work”, - as a Governor of Yaroslavl region, Chairman of Public Committee Sergey Vakhrukov said in his opening address. – Regional problems are the same, that is why experience exchange is all the more necessary. The Program of energy efficacy is also very important today, but there are some problems for it realization – insufficiency of normative and legal base, absence of integrate mechanisms to power gird. General director of JSC “TGC-2” Valentine Bragin reported about the readiness of TGC-2 to heating season 2009-2010, realization of Company’s investment program, discussion of problem questions of energy market TGC-2. The theme of energy efficacy by the example of fuel power complex of Yaroslavl region was present in the report of Deputy Governor of Yaroslavl region Andrey Epaneshnikov. The project of Agreement about the cooperation of Yaroslavl Government and JSC “TGC-2” about of perfection and development of Yaroslavl region power supply system was introduced for discussion. According to the recommendations of Governor of Yaroslavl region Sergey Vakhrukov the Agreement would consist joint liabilities of members and perspective directions of activity in realization of energy efficacy and economies Program, the program of decrease facts heat less on main and distributive networks. As the result it was decided to complete the project of Agreement at the earliest possible date.
“JSC “TGC-2” Public Committee allows its members and participants to change views. Exchange of views - is a partial decision of vital problems. Today for all of us as never before is necessary business outspoken perspective dialogue”, - Member of Federation Council of the Federal Assembly RF Leonid Lebedev said.