Russian Federal Space Agency`s Interagency Board Held Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. November 11, 2009. Russian Federal Space Agency`s Interagency Board On Ground Application of Space Technologies for the Benefit of Russian Subjects held a meeting today in Bauman State Technical University.
The Board is chaired by Roscosmos Head Anatoly Perminov, who began the meeting from a short speech to the members.
Other reports were made by NPK RECOD chief and leader of the Board`s analytics team V. Bezborodov, and Bauman University scientific and engineering complex chief V. Zelentsov.
Roscosmos Head Anatoly Perminov greeted the attendees of the second meeting of the Board, and reminded that the first meeting took place on Feb. 19, 2009.
Roscosmos Head said: "Within this period, Roscosmos with the other ministeries and agencies, and Russian regions, have carried out significant work aimed at organizing practical application of the space technologies on the ground for the sake of various users... The main issue here is shortage of specialists- users of different space products and services. This factor withdraws effective application of the Russian space potential.
Thus, today we are going to discuss this issue to define approach to expert training and advanced development for the branch of space technologies` practical application.
Since our Board consists of representatives of different Russian subjects, authorities, institutes, business community, I hope we would be able to analyse this issue today completely, taking into account opinions of different users."
"Heads of the Russian Federation pay special attention today to maintaining effective application of the space technologies on the ground for social and econimical evolution of the Russian regions.
Effective ground usage of the space assets depends much on the readiness of the users to acquire, process and use space data. To achieve it, we shall have associated knowledge, skills and well-trained experts.
Action № SI-P7-4737 of Sept. 27, 2007, by the Russian Government defines the set of measures aimed at training and qualification development of the specialists in this area in 2008-2010.
However, this action is not completely closed. Until now, there is no integrated training approach for the specialists in utilization of the space assets on the ground.
So, during this meeting we will discuss this topic and exchange opinions.
I am sure that our Board will contribute significantly into organization of the HR for utilization of the space assets on the ground".