OREANDA-NEWS. November 06, 2009. In the third decade of October the representative delegation led by Vesa Nuolia, director of the ProAgria Oulu agricultural center, has visited the Ministry of Agriculture, Fish Industry and Ecology of the RK. Among the delegation members there was Tapio Saavolainen, adviser of the governor of Oulu, and representatives of the economic society of the agricultural foundation of the province of Oulu. The object of the visit was to reveal possible points of contact for further cooperation, and development of agriculture of the region of Oulu and the Republic of Karelia.
The province of Oulu is considered one of the five pollution-free zones of the world, and, regarding potato growing, works only for production of seed material and exporting it to Scandinavia and Europe. Within the scope of cooperation together with Karelian farmer Andrey Sosunkevich there has been completed the project of comparative analysis of productivity of two breeds of potato cultivated on soils of Prionezhsky region of the RK and the province of Oulu, Finland. Results of experiment are of significant interest, and work in this sphere will continue.
Also during the meeting there have been defined a number of priorities, as well as further line of cooperation in the sphere of life quality improvement of inhabitants of our republic living in rural settlements.