Rusal Announces New Executive Appointments in Its Aluminium Division
OREANDA-NEWS. October 29, 2009. RUSAL, the world’s largest producer of aluminium and alumina, has announced the appointment of Yuri Moisseev, former managing director of the Nadvoitsy aluminium smelter, as the new managing director of the Bogoslovsk aluminium smelter. Alexander Krasovitski, the current director of RUSAL Production Systems Department at RUSAL
These appointments come as part of the RUSAL human resources development programme focused on exchanging the best practices, enhancing executive expertise, raising operational efficiency and introducing the RUSAL production system on the Group’s production sites. Amidst the evolving economic climate, RUSAL has revised its strategy and set new objectives for the Aluminium Division, which give more responsibilities and authority to the aluminium smelters and their managing directors.
“One of the key challenges for the heads of RUSAL’s production sites is to transform their facility into ‘a business unit’. The new management style at the aluminium smelters and the recently adopted motivation programme will encourage the production sites to achieve the best possible performance, through a series of new opportunities such as channelling their own profit to the development of the technology and operations, as well as motivating their staff and promoting social projects for local communities,” said Alexey Arnautov, head of the Aluminium Division.
One of the key elements of increasing the effectiveness of the production process is RUSAL production system. Its introduction as a pilot project began at KrAZ under the management of Oleg Burkatski four years ago. Today the smelter is creating an educational centre that will encourage sharing experience of production system introduction with other facilities of the company.