KEGOC Participated in Electric Power Energy Coordination Council
OREANDA-NEWS. October 28, 2009. The 9th meeting of Electric Power Energy Coordination Coincil of Central Asia was held in Akmolinskaya oblast (Katarkol village).
The leaders of energy companies and dispatch divisions discussed the results of work of the Unified Power System of Central Asia during the passed vegetative period of 2009 and the expected operating mode in the forthcoming autumn and winter period of 2009-2010.
In the course of the meeting the consultations were held regarding possible separation and coming out of Uzbekistan power system from the parallel operation with power systems of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (CIS) from October 15, 2009.
Uzbekenergo State Joint Stock Company grounds its initiative of coming out and separation on the request for payment for Kyrgyz electric energy transit via Uzbekistan power networks. These intentions can result in dissolution of the UPS of Central Asia, where the interconnected operation will be continued by the following power systems: Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. However, Kazakhstan will continue the parallel operation with CIS power systems.
The operation of Kazakhstan power system in isolation from Kyrgyzstan power system is more preferential in order to provide its security and stability. Taking into consideration the Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan summit conference held on October 7, 2009 in Bishkek, the negotiations with Kyrgyz side are currently in progress regarding power modes and interconnected operation during the forthcoming autumn and winter period.
EPECC CA participants also considered performance of the taken together decisions and cases of non-compliance with dispatch discipline.
Based on the results of the meeting of the Coordination Committee of EPECC CA the press conference was held on October 14 with the following participants:
Murat D. Durussaliyev – First Deputy Director General of Kyrgyzstan NPG JSC, the Kyrgyz Republic
Bakhtiyer Sh. Siddikov – Head of International Energy Flow Department of Barki Tojik Open Joint Stock Holding Power Company, the Republic of Tadjikistan
*Ruzikul O. Raimov – deputy Chairman of the Board of Uzbekenergo State Joint Stock Company, the Republic of Uzbekistan
Kanat A. Bozumbayev – President of KEGOC JSC, the Republic of Kazakhstan
Khamidulla A. Shamsiyev – Director of Energiya Cultural and Business Centre, the Republic of Uzbekistan
Electric Power Energy Coordination Coincil of Central Asia (EPECC CA) is an advisory body. It was established in 2003 on the initiative of the Kazakhstani side with the participation of the national power companies of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan. The first meeting was held on June 10, 2005 in Astana.
The main objectives of the organization:
• elaborate proposals on coordinated development strategy of electric power industry in CA;
• elaborate agreed proposals on rational use of hydro-energy resources in Central Asia;
• determine agreed operating principles of electric power systems of CA and make the mutually agreed decisions and rules to ensure their economic, mutually beneficial and secure operation in parallel.
*didn’t participate