Krasnoyarsk Thermal Power Plant-2 Carries out Special Trainings
OREANDA-NEWS. October 20, 2009. Krasnoyarsk Thernal Power Plant-2 carried out the personnel training with the goal to improve the their skills in condiitons of technogenic accident consequences liquidation and low air temperatures, reported the press-centre of TGC-13.
According to the legend, during the oil-fuel discharge out of the tanks to the receiver tank after the heating (the temperature of the air is 25 °С) there came the accidental explosion. The oil-fuel began leaking out of the broken tank being in the centre of the rake to the side of industrial storm water discharge system wells. To announce about the situation was very difficult because of the partial failure of the communication line. In fuel oil pumping station, the sump pipe caught the fire, as result of the short-circuit.
The activities of the personnel during the training were fast and well coordinated. After information getting about the emergency situation, the head of the shift of the station immediately warned the fire the repair the communication line. Operative personnel of the boiler department and fuel and transport department immediately began to stop the oil-fuel leakage out of the rail-road tank. They stopped the leakage by the means of bunding of the tank with the help of the automotive materials. The composite group surrounded and fenced the failure zone, hung the warning signs, assigned the watchers and started to pump out the spilt oil fuel to the receiver tank.
Simultaneously the group of operators provided the temporarily operation connection between the liquidators of the failure and the head of the shift of the station with the help of radio station “Alinko”. The field wire was stretched out for the phone connection and then the operators started to restore the damaged stationary line.
During the training results summing up it was mentioned that the personnel of Krasnoyarsk Thermal Power Plant-2 coped very well with all the tasks.
Trainings directed to the skills improvement during the emergency situation at the objects of the electric power are paid much attention to. It is connected with the fact that the readiness of Thermal Power Plant-2 to the autumn and winter period loads is determined by the level of the professional preparation of the personnel together with the good condition of the technological equipment.
The training proved the high assessment of the committee which on Octoeber 2, 2009 signed the Act of readiness check up of JSC “Yenisei TGC (TGC-13)” branch of Krasnoyarsk Thermal Power Plant-2 to work during autumn and winter period.