Group Tranzit DV Took Part in Russian and Chinese Forum
OREANDA-NEWS. October 16, 2009. Previous weekend the Second Russian and Chinese Political Parties Forum took place in Suifenghe, China. The meeting was organized by the CPC and Russian “Edinaya Rossia” Political party at the highest administration level with the Vice prime ministers of both states, Wang Qishan and Alexander Zhoukov, as the heads of the delegations. Among the participants there were top members of state, regional and local divisions of the Leading Parties, the representatives of Russian regional and Chinese provinces administrations, ministries and other state bodies as well as businesspeople of both states. Igor Polchenko, the General Director of Group Tranzit DV and the member of the Primorskiy Edinaya Rossia Political Party Council was also among the Russian delegates.
The main topic discussed at the Second Russian and Chinese Forum was the cross-border cooperation with the particular focus on the transportation industry modernization and development.
Igor Polchenko shared his brief outlook of the issues dealt with at the Forum:
"The modernization of the cross-border transport interchange, the development of the infrastructure and sea cargo shipping industry– all these aspects were thoroughly discussed at the session outlining the significance of the economic cooperation not only for the development of the two particular states, but also for the market situation and development of the region as a whole. These new facilities open a promising future for the Far East and its ports, as we observed it while discussing the prospects of transforming Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy into port-hub together with other regional programs at the presentation of the North Eastern Shipping company on the 7th of October. China is looking for the strengthening of the trade connections with Russia as eagerly as it searches the access to Europe and thus the Northern Searoute and north-eastern region of APR seem to be a great opportunity for the Chinese economy. The abovementioned once again puts forward the importance and relevancy of our development project presented to the Administration of the Kamchatskiy region for this development plan complies with the most urgent trends of the world economy”.
It is worth mentioning that the presentation of North Eastern Shipping Company, one of the companies entering the holding “Group Tranzit DV”, was held at the Grand Meeting Hall of the Administration of Kamchatskiy Region in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy on the 7th of October, 2009. At the ceremony the prospects for Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy to become the port-hub were considered in a view of the increasing significance of the Northern Searoute for the world transport system.