Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan Plan to Sign Customs Code Treaty
OREANDA-NEWS. October 15, 2009. The leaders of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are expected to sign a treaty on a customs code for the three nations' Customs Union in Minsk on November 27, said Belarusian First Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Petrishenko.
"Work is underway to prepare a package of documents that should be signed by the Customs Union heads of state in Minsk on November 27," Petrishenko said at a Wednesday session of the permanent commissions for customs regulation and border policy, which form part of the Eurasian Economic Community's (EurAsEC) Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.
The three countries' leaders plan to sign a customs code treaty and to confirm common customs tariffs and lists of commodities, the import or export of which can be either banned or restricted within the Customs Union, he said.
"We also plan to sign documents to transfer all sorts of control from the Russian-Belarusian border and to cancel the customs registration of commodities transported within the territories of Belarus and Russia," Petrishenko said.
The Customs Union's code is expected to come into force before July 1, 2010, he added.