Krasnoyarsk CHP-3 Participated in Team-Post Rehearsal
OREANDA-NEWS. October 14, 2009. Prior to the winter season, team-post rehearsals for training of accident prevention and liquidation skills at energy and communal household objects are being carried out at all districts of
One of such rehearsals has been carried out on 2 October
Main targets of the rehearsal are the following: examination of reliability of the plan for measured aimed at prevention and liquidation of accidents of nature and anthropogenic character at communal and electric systems; training of practical skills of station brigades heads on interaction with the Krasnoyarsk management bodies, delivery of urgent information and organization of works on station workability restoration.
According to a legend, equipment of all compressor stations and circulation of the heating main line No.21 have stopped at all Krasnoyarsk CHP-3 branch offices and the substation-145 was de-energized as a result of an accident. A pipe leak appeared at a direct pipeline of the heating system between the CHP-3 and the pumping delivery water compressor station No.21 due to a hydraulic impact.
Aims and targets of the training were exercised by employees of the Krasnoyarsk CHP-3 with a “good” mark.