Zaporizhstal JSC Constructs PCI Plant for Blast-Furnace Production
OREANDA-NEWS. October 12, 2009. Introduction of the pulverized coal injection (PCI) plant in the blast-furnace shop is the key point in the struggle with the crisis at the Works. This is the crucial project of the year. Therefore special attention is paid to it. First of all, the chosen technology can considerably save energy resources, and therefore, can really influence the self-cost of production.
In the first half of the year 57 mln UAH were invested in the project. Before the year is out it is planned to invest about another 100 million UAH. Cold commissioning of the PCI plant is planned for December.
Introduction of the PCI plant will take place step by step. Mastering of the plant will begin from blast furnace №2, since it's the nearest one to the coal dust-preparatory department and it's much more prepared for the transfer to the new technology. At present very complicated work is being carried out regarding arranging of pipelines around blast furnace no. 2. Apart from that installation and wiring work and works connected with control and measuring instruments are being done.
Assembly of equipment is conducted under the leadership of the erection supervisors from the German company Kuettner.
The expected economic effect from the introduction of the PCI plant will total to 200-266 mln UAH. According to calculations, the expenses for its construction will be paid back in 1,5-1,8 years of operation.
According to the feasibility test the PCI complex is characterized by a more advanced design, which makes it possible to inject up to 200 kg of pulverized coal per one ton of pig iron. It is designed for the production of 4,5m tons of pig iron per year. This amount is necessary to guarantee the converter production capacity of the Works. Pulverized coal will make it possible to completely give up using technological natural gas and to obtain considerable savings of coke, to reduce the self-cost of the pig iron production. Work on design of the complex was initiated in 2007, construction — in 2008. But now the work is already coming up to the lock-up stage.
At present all the works are conducted by the contractors of “Zaporozhstalstroy-1”.
In the current year all efforts of Zaporizhstal JSC departments are concentrated on the construction of the units, which make it possible to decrease the expenses for the output of the Works' production and to reduce its self-cost. Besides the construction of the PCI plant, considerable attention is also paid to the introduction of new front jet-niche burners, which make it possible to considerably cut down expenses: 3,7 mln UAH are already invested, work on the construction of the stand-by air duct line still remain with the investment of another 650 thousands UAH.
The savings obtained from the introduction of burners in the first half of the year amounted to 4 mln UAH, i.e. costs actually spent on the fulfillment of this project have already been paid back.