OREANDA-NEWS On 09 October was announced, that StroyExpo – 2009 took place in Petrozavodsk on October, 7-9. Deputy Minister of Construction of Karelia Valentina Baikova welcomed its participants.

In her opening speech Valentina Baikova has mentioned that the exhibition turns 15 years. She has mentioned that of course it is not much on the scale of history, though for organizers and participants of the event 15-year period is of special importance. First, it is the illustration that life goe on, no matter what, including financial and economic crisis. Therefore, the builders' trade remains and will be demanded at all times. Second, as the science and technology develop, builders just have to apply modern, highly effective technologies, materials, equipment, mechanisms and tools in their activity. The exhibition allows to learn about all these matters, to watch, familiarize, exchange experience, to conclude corresponding agreements.

StroyExpo – 2009 due to the wealth of experience of its organizers, experts of the Euroforum exhibition agency, has long ago overcame the borders of Karelia and constantly involves new participants in the sphere of its activity both from other Russian regions, and from abroad. If in the first exhibition, held in 1994, there participated about 15 local commodity producers, then today along with enterprises and companies from Karelia there exhibit building companies from St.-Petersburg and Finland. Such activities provide great opportunities for establishing professional contacts, making business decisions and expansion of production distribution geography.

According to the tradition, business part of StroyExpo–2009 in first two days has held scheduled seminars for profile experts. It is not superfluous to mention that StroyExpo – 2009 specialized exhibition makes its contribution to dynamism of the building branch of the republic observed in recent years. Besides, Stroyexpo – 2009 is a rather effective method of formation of Karelia's image and investment prospects of enterprises of the building branch.

In the ceremony of solemn opening of the exhibition there took part representative of the Finnish company of PROFIILIKESKUS OY Mikko Vehkavaara, who stated interest in promotion of production of his company in the building market of our republic, and Chief Executive officer of the Euroforum exhibition agency Elena Gnetova.

By the end of the exhibition its results were summed up, and participants were awarded with diplomas.