OREANDA-NEWS On 08 October was announced, that Yuzgno-Russkoe gas field reached full capacity, R.Zele, chief executive of Wintershall, informed at the gas conference.

In the field about 2bn euro were invested by the partners; Winterschall accounting for 35%.

Wintershall has 25% -1 stock in Severneftegazprom having the license for the development of the above field. it appraised to cover 856.2bn m3 of gas and 184bn m3 of oil in reserves.

Wintershall is a sub of BASF. In 90s BASF and Gazprom reached an agreement on the development of joint business in Germany and Eastern Europe. Now through Wingas, WIEH and WIEE 20bn m3 are sold.

Wintershall keeps as well 20% in Nord Stream; 25% -1 stock in Yuzhno Russkoe field development and 50% in Achimgaz.

In 2008 the output reached 130mln barell of oil equvalent. The revenues increased 37% to 14.445bn euro from 10.517bn euro.