Beltelecom Inscribed in Privatization Plan for 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. October 05, 2009. According to Belarus Council of Ministers’ resolution N0 1256, the Belarusian landline communication monopoly Beltelecom has been inscribed in the privatization plan for 2009, reported the press-centre of
All in all, within three years, more than 500 state-run Belarusian companies are supposed to be privatized and reorganized.
Earlier, on 23 September, Information Technologies and Communications Minister Nikolai Pantelei noted that Beltelecom is expected to be incorporated. According to the Minister, Beltelecom does not need privatization for the sake of attracting investments. “However, in view of Belarus’ accession to the WTO we will most likely have to comply with all requirements concerning the liberalization of the Belarusian market of telecommunication services,” said Nikolai Pantelei.