OREANDA-NEWS. September 25, 2009. On August 27, 2009, the Basmannyi District Court of Moscow passed a sentence upon a fraudster who stole the money he had received from the clients and should have returned to the cashier’s office of Ingosstrakh IJSC. The court applied against criminal defendant Arkhipov A.V. paragraph 6 part 3 article 165 of the Criminal Code of Russia “property damage to the owner by means of fraud and abuse of trust without signs of theft, specially large damage”.
Arkhipov A.B. (born in 1986) worked for Ingosstrakh IJSC as an insurance agent in the period from July 20, 2005, till October 7, 2007. In September 2008 he was fired after it was found out that he had failed to return to the cashier’s office of Ingosstrakh IJSC the money paid for insurance policies by the clients. The clients applied to Ingosstrakh with these policies and the Company paid in full for renovation of their vehicles. Other clients wanted to prolong for another year their policies bought from Arkhipov, and it turned out that the policies were not registered in the insurer’s database. Since 1997 Ingosstrakh has operated the automated information system (AIS). All policies issued by the Company are subject to compulsory registration in this database in order to keep track of all the insurance transactions, including the ones carried out by the agents. Both employees and agents can register policies in the system. Arkhipov had access to the database during the period of his work for the Company. However, after the audit, on January 11, 2009, it was found out that Arkhipov kept some policies and failed to return them to the Company. It turned out that when he got hold of blank forms of insurance policies (compulsory motor TPL insurance and motor hull insurance), he signed insurance contracts with the clients of Ingosstrakh IJSC, but failed to return the money (insurance premium) to the cashier’s office of the Company as required by the agency contract. The fraudster retained the money of the clients and, correspondingly, caused property damage to the Company by means of fraud and abuse of trust. Since, according to the charges, Arkhipov failed to timely return to the cashier’s office the amount of RUB 2 528 628. 64 which is more than the statutory one million, the court decided that Arkhipov caused a specially large damage.
The court sentenced Arkhipov to three years in prison. The sentence is conditional, with four years on probation.
Ingosstrakh IJSC takes preventive measures and performs audits in its head office and regional divisions on a regular basis in order to prevent and address insurance fraud and protect the interests of its clients and partners.