OJSC North-West Telecom Disputed Tax Claims for 2005 to 2007
OREANDA-NEWS. September 24, 2009. Ninth Court of Arbitration and Appeal upheld the decisions of the Court of Arbitration of Moscow.
Having considered the action of OJSC North-West Telecom, on 10th July 2009 the Moscow Court of Arbitration recognized the extra charging of taxes in the amount of 204 million roubles for the period of 2005 to 2007 ungrounded. It should be reminded that on 24th November 2008 the decision of the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (MIFNS) for Major Tax-payers No. 7 on the results of the scheduled field inspection of OJSC N.W. Telecom's operation s for 2005-2007 was received. According to the results of the inspection, the sum total of the claims in respect of tax payment amounted to 204,000,000 million roubles.
On 8th December 2008 OJSC N.W. Telecom filed an appeal with the Federal Tax Service (FNS), however, did not receive a response from the supervisory authority and brought the action to the Court of Arbitration of Moscow, which was satisfied.
Thus, having secured the recognition of the groundlessness of the extra charging of taxes for the years 2005 to 2007 , OJSC North-West Telecom has confirmed once again its reputation of a law-abiding tax-payer observing the laws.