OREANDA-NEWS. September 23, 2009. The Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko declared the tender for privatization of Odesa Port Plant (OPP) will be held in the determined terms and according to the transparent procedure. She said to a media conference in the course of her official trip to Vinnytsya region.

“It is definitely that the plant will be privatized some time or other,” Yulia Tymoshenko underlined. The most important for her is to ensure fair and transparent conditions for all the potential investors. The PM informed that before preparation of the mentioned object to privatization the Government had held a huge work with the labour collective, trade unions and as a result elaborated Privatization Agreement that envisages severe conditions concerning keeping up high social standards, modernization of the enterprise etc. Yulia Tymoshenko emphasized this document contains that in case requirements of the Agreement are not kept the enterprise will be returned into the state property.

According to the Head of Government, the situation around privatization of OPP is caused by the fact that certain structures in Ukraine hamper the Cabinet of Ministers in every possible way and are trying to discredit the fair and transparent tender so that to buy the plant for nothing in the aftermath.

Yulia Tymoshenko imparted the tender for privatization of OPP would gather Ukrainian investors and also investors from other countries, such as Norway, Poland, Libya.