Five Master of Payments Terminals Installed by AUB
OREANDA-NEWS. September 21, 2009. The network of self-service “Master of Payments” terminals has been expanded up to 117 points. For convenience of drivers five terminals have been installed in the Gazprom Neft Asia gas stations: one terminal in the head office of the company and four—at gas stations. Payment terminals accept payments on behalf of many different utilities, service providers and mobile networks. Customers can pay for electricity, gas, water, telephone, internet, cable TV. Payment terminals facilitate repayment of loans extended by OJSC AsiaUniversalBank, reported the press-centre of AsiaUniversalBank.
OJSC AsiaUniversalBank on a continuous basis is improving the quality of services provided to the public:
- acquiring network has been expanded for the convenience of customers,
- new suppliers have been engaged to optimize the available time of a customer,
- the range of services and opportunities has been enhanced via payment by plastic card using payment terminals.