IDGC of North-West Approves Implementation of RAB Tariff Regulation
OREANDA-NEWS. September 17, 2009. The IDGC of North-West's Board of Directors entrusted General Director Alexander Kukhmay with taking all necessary measures.
The IDGC of North-West's Board of Directors on 14 September, having considered the priority lines of the Company's business: transition to regulation of the transmission services tariff under the method of return on invested capital (RAB), entrusted General Director Alexander Kukhmay with taking all necessary measures for transition to a new tariff regulation method since 1 January 2010.
According to the decision taken by the Company's Board of Directors, since October 2009, and till taking the corresponding decisions by enforcement authorities in the field of state tariff regulation carrying out regulation of tariffs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the territory of which the Company operates, and General Director of Interregional Distribution Grid Company of North-West - with presenting the report to the Board of Directors on the course of the task implementation.