Novgorodenenrgo Put into Operation 110/10 kV Substation
OREANDA-NEWS. September 17, 2009. The object of RUR 478 million value will provide the reliable power supply of the part of the Velikiy Novgorod Region due to the re-distribution of load from substation “Bazovaya”.
Today, “Novgorodenergo” branch of IDGC of North-West put into operation 110/10 kV “Yuzhnaya” substation. New power object is located in the village of Yurievo.
The following persons took part in the solemn ceremony of substation opening: Sergey Mitin, Novgorod Region Governor, Oleg Onishchenko, Novgorod Region Chief Federal Inspector, Sergey Fabrichniy, Chief of the Novgorod Region Duma, Yuriy Bobryshev, Mayor of the Velikiy Novgorod, Alexander Kukhmay, General Director of IDGC of North-West and Vladimir Chistyakov, “Nivgorodenergo” head as well as the head of the structural subdivisions of the administrations of the region and city together with the representatives of the contractor organizations.
Sergey Mitin noted that: “This day is very important for the city and region as far as we put into operation the major construction object which investment amount is RUR 475 million. It was spent during 10 months and this is a very good addition to the investment part of the entire region. But the most important thing is the reliability of power supply of the consumers of that large district which is supposed to be given for the construction”. The airport of the city of Novgorod is oriented to Krichevitsy, here we will have the new construction and putting into operation of the substation which will support the attractiveness of this territory from the point of view of future construction works. We would like to thank all power engineers and all those who started the project of construction of such powerful substation a year ago making the power supply of the city more reliable, being of higher quality and productivity.
The construction of “Yuzhnaya” substation is determined by “Scheme of perspective development of “Novgorodenergo”electric grids of 35-110 kV till 2015” worked out as a result of the constant joint work with the administration of the Novgorod region over the plan of development of power system taking into account the future oriented development of the territory.
The basis for the implementation of this investment project was the joint decision taken together with the executive power on the reliability increase of power supply of the city water treatment plant, Pskov residential micro-district and electrification of the major land plot in the district of Yurievo for the future oriented residentional construction .
The construction of 110/10 kV “Yuzhnaya” substations of 110 kV and 12 km length allowed to provide the reliability of scheme of power supply of the southern part of Velikiy Novgorod due to the re-distribution of load form substation “Bazovaya”. The transition of the part of load to substation “Yuzhnaya” will allow carrying out the full reconstruction of “Bazovaya” substation.
New power object of “Novgorodenergo” presents the power technical complex constructed out of the best Russian and foreign equipment. They installed two transformers of 40 MVA at the new substation, distribution devises of 110 and 10 kV with SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers. Relay protection and automation of “Yuzhnaya” substations is carried out at the micro-processor equipment.