KAMAZ Increased Its Share on Russian Market of Trucks
OREANDA-NEWS. September 17, 2009. In spite of the continuing recession in the world and Russian economy KAMAZ increased its share on the Russian market of trucks with GVW of 14-40 tonnes from 28% (December 2008) to 68% (July 2009).
Thus, the company became the only player on the market with positive results even in the period of a sharp reduction of an effective demand for trucks. Foreign manufacturers lost almost 30% of their share on the Russian market, with a drop to 21%. The sales volumes of Scania – the most successful foreign company in Russia – fell by 80% in comparison with last year. And the market became 4.3 times as less on the whole.
According to Ashot Arutyunyan, Director of Marketing and Advertising of KAMAZ Inc., the reasons for the increasing KAMAZ share are a lower customer demand because of the crisis and devaluation of the rouble, a growing number of state orders and high import taxes for trucks introduced at the beginning of the year. “Under the crisis conditions the state naturally stakes on the largest and financially stable Russian producers which ensure the country’s transport security, - believes Ashot Arutyunyan. – Russia took all necessary legislative and practical measures to defend the domestic market and support the Russian producers. Federal, regional and municipal budgets allocated a considerable amount of means to purchase vehicles and promote customer demand. And the company took these opportunities.”
KAMAZ’s sales share grew on the retail market too. The increase was by 40% there.
KAMAZ trucks solve the whole range of transport and special tasks set by consumers. The company offers its clients a complex product. The company continues leasing automobile equipment. The produced vehicles are provided with full warranty and service maintenance, high-quality branded spare parts. And different leasing schemes are financially beneficial for customers. KAMAZ actively works with plants producing special superstructures. 230 manufacturers of special vehicles in Russia produce more than 1600 models on KAMAZ chassis (production of 300 new models of them was mastered last year).
All these tendencies enable to conclude that KAMAZ will get over the crisis with stronger positions on the Russian market.