KEGOC Implements Modernization of Almaty Substation
OREANDA-NEWS. September 16, 2009. From 10 to 30 September KEGOC JSC plans technical works on replacement of equipment at 500 kV Almaty SS with change of power supply scheme in Almaty power centre.
Modernization of 500 kV Almaty SS is implemented based on the agreement with Akimat of Almaty Oblast and under control of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the
The System Operator has planned operational measures on stabilizing load schedule for the period of repair scheme.
During the period till 30 September this year local energy companies (AZhK JSC, AlmatyEnergosbyt JSC, Almaty Power Plants JSC) have been assigned with strict observance of electricity generation and consumption balance. The required generation level for power plants in Almaty and Almaty Oblast is 535 MW inclusive of Kapchagaiskaya HPP load up to 200 MW.
The System Operator recommends the consumers of Almaty power centre to follow the load schedule and if possible to reduce consumption in evening peak time (from 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm).
Reference: “Kazakhstan Electricity Transmission Rehabilitation Project, Phase I” was included in breakthrough projects which are under special control of the Government of the
• substation automation and relay protection devices
• SCADA/EMS systems
• commercial metering system (CMS)
• digital corporate telecommunication network
Project cost is KZT 43.8 bln., it is financed out of the Company’s and international financial institutions’ funds.