Vladivostok Air Sums up Results for 8 Months of 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. September 14, 2009. For the past period the airline has increased basic financial and economic indicators by one third in comparison with the similar period of the last year.
Vladivostok Air could break an existing unfavorable trend of the branch and continue its development against the general negative tendencies and bankruptcies of some airlines of world and Russian civil aviation.
So, Vladivostok Air operational passenger turnover for 8 months 2009 has increased by 41% and has summed 2 milliard 564 million passenger-kilometers, in comparison with the similar period of the last year. The occupancy factor of armchairs has grown by11,4 items — up to 76,9%, thus the quantity of the transported passengers has increased by 29,5%, air cargo — up to 6,4%. The middle salary level of the employees has grown more than 15%. All this has allowed the airline to reach positive finance results. For the past eight months of this year the proceeds from the services sales (sales proceeds) have increased by 30,5% and have amounted to 6 milliard 585 million roubles. For the mentioned period Vladivostok Air OJSC has received the net profit at a rate of 457 million roubles. The given results have been received owing to implementation of anti-recessionary measures plan in the company, the financial costs optimization, considered summer schedule and it would be impossible without modern and cost-effective park.
Within the framework of these actions Vladivostok Air has introduced new control system by means of flights profitableness and sales at the own site and has made code-share agreement with large Asian airlines. The company continues the fulfillment of the fleet renewal program accepted some years ago.
Today the aircrafts fleet consists of the following types: long haul Tu-204-300 and wide-bodied Airbus A330, medium haul Airbus A320.During autumn 2009 — spring 2010 the company is planning to buy four more Airbus aircrafts: two of A330 type and two A320 type. The airline signed the precontractual agreement about purchasing of 6 short haul aircrafts An-148.
During the preparation of winter schedule realization, which is coming into force in one and half month Vladivostok Air has already optimized existed flights and has prepared absolutely new ones across Russia and abroad as well.
The company will continue forming of the aviation nodes at the airports of Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk. Actually Khabarovsk airport already carries out quantity of the flights equal to Vladivostok airport. Absolutely new flights from Kamchatka and Sakhalin through Khabarovsk to the largest cities of the European Russia and city-resort Sochi have been introduced.
Also, new flights from Vladivostok and Khabarovsk to Yerevan and Baku in transit through Krasnoyarsk will be opened. The flight Khabarovsk — Moscow by А330 will be executed five times a week, and from September 14th this type of aircraft will be also involved on Moscow — Yekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg — Tianjin routes.
Vladivostok Air has already started stage-by-stage ticket sales for summer 2010, including, tickets under the subsidized fares in support of the governmental program of transport availability increase to the European Russia for inhabitants of the Far East! The first stage has been already realized and ticket sales on a route Vladivostok — Moscow — Vladivostok has been started. Other directions from cities of the Far East: from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk, Khabarovsk to Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Sochi will be introduced in a short time.
The airline is planning to transport the millionth passenger within 4th quarter and in such way to enter into the club of a millionaire airlines.
Reference: Vladivostok Air is the largest air carrier in the Russian Far East with the air fleet including Airbus А330, Tu-204-300, Airbus А320, Tu-154 М, Yak-40, Mi-8. From 2004 the airline is a full member of International Air Transport Association (IATA).