Turkmen Exposition at International Book Fair Achieved Success
OREANDA-NEWS. September 03, 2009. The exposition of the State Publishing Service of Turkmenistan that presents over a hundred of the titles of the books on a wide spectrum of the topics is a success at the 22nd Moscow International Book Fair.
One of the exhibits that arouse intense interest – the first volume of the book by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – The Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan. On the first day of the exhibition several book-selling organisations from Russia and the CIS states submit the applications to buy this volume and the subsequent nine volumes of the encyclopedia of medicinal plants in Turkmenistan.
The two-volume book about Turkmen national cuisine is of keen interest to professionals of publishing business as well as ordinary visitors. This book genre is in special demand throughout the world, and the geography of distribution of this novelty on the Turkmen book market is considerably extended. The two-volume book is published in three languages – Turkmen, Russian and English.
The wide range of the textbooks published in Turkmenistan including the full set of specialized literature in the Russian language. The Turkmen printed products draw keen interest for colourfulness and high quality.
Another discovery made by the forum participants about Turkmenistan is its publishing potential of up to 130,000 copies each year that enables not only to fully supply schools with textbooks and learning aids but also offer the printing services to perform the orders of the neighbouring countries. Today Turkmenistan is ready to function as the large regional centre of printing industry.
This potential is promoted to a larger extent by the international fairs and exhibitions hosted by Turkmenistan on a regular basis. The fourth book exhibition will invite the guests to the Turkmen capital in late September this year. Many of the participants of the Moscow book exhibition who have visited the Turkmen pavilion are preparing to come to Ashgabat to study the needs of the Turkmen market and offer technology innovations.