Rosatom and Foundation for Basic Research Sign Cooperation Agreement
OREANDA-NEWS. September 03, 2009. Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation and Russian Foundation for Basic Research have signed a cooperation agreement
Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation Sergey Kiriyeno and Chairman of the Board of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Vladislav Panchenko have signed an agreement for scientific-technical cooperation in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy.
The objective of the agreement is to intensify cooperation in practical use of the achievements of fundamental science for the needs of the nuclear industry, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear science and engineering, nuclear weapons complex and for enhancing nuclear and radiation safety. Rosatom and RFBR will jointly organize competitions of research works: Rosatom will determine the subject while RFBR will organize the necessary procedures and ensure expertise. The parties will use the results of RFBR’s finalized projects on the subjects of interest for Rosatom.
This agreement will allow RFBR to annually finance fundamental problem-oriented and exploratory research in support of the federal target program “Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation.”
The present agreement has replaced the agreement signed by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy. The agreement has been signed for five years and will be automatically prolonged for five years more.