Central Bank of Azerbaijan Announces Bids on Nine Lots
OREANDA-NEWS. September 2, 2009. The Central Bank of Azerbaijan has announced a quotation method tender procedure on 9 lots.
The tender commission reports that the tender consists of lots:
1. To maintain main accounting method Corvus;
2. To purchase water balloons for dispensers and mineral water;
3. To purchase milk for members of working commission and employees of treasury;
4. To repair concrete and marble covers of entrance part of bank;
5. To replace accumulator UPS, used in the territorial management of CBA in Ganja;
6. To purchase and install air conditioners of channel type is in the bank’s building;
7. Technical services of air conditioners are in the treasury building №2 and Sumgait;
8. To install signaling equipment in Sumgait administration;
9. To purchase packing materials for the CBA treasury.
Tender participation cost on each lot is AZN 50.
The applicants are required to submit information about juridical status and state registration of the organization (charter and registration certificate), VAT payment registration, indicate field of activities, bank properties, at least two years of work experience, data about customer base and lack of tax debts, indicate contact numbers and so on.
The bids will be received till 6 pm 10 September 2009 in the CBA administrative building.
The opening of bid packages will take place at 10 am on11 September.
For more info call 493-11-22 (501). Contact person: R. Hajiyev.