Design Works on IES-Holding Project Started at Ivanovo HPS-2
OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 August 2009 was announced, that a team of specialists arrived from the Nizhny Novgorod Teplopenergoproekt Institute to HPS-2 (the Ivanovo branch of the Generation Center Division of IES-Holding) to execute design works on the reconstruction of turbogenerator No. 5.
The project of reconstruction of Ivanovo HPS-2 turbogenerator No. 5 with the capacity of 60 MW is implemented within the limits of IES-Holding's Diadem Priority Investment Program. The implementation of the project named "
"The reconstruction of turbogenerator No. 5 will significantly improve engineering-and-economical performance of IvHPS-2 and the quality and reliability of power supply for consumers," - stated Andrey Zabrodin, a Director of the