ОJSC North-West Telecom Opened Its "Flagship" in Republic of Komi
OREANDA-NEWS. August 25, 2009. On 20th August, 2009, in anticipation of the Komi Republic birthday the opening ceremony of the OJSC “NWT” regional rep office working with customers, of “Flagship”* category, was held in Syktyvkar. This is the second center of such level in the North-West Federal Region (the first had been opened by the Company in Kaliningrad in December, 2008 – see press-release dd. 5th December, 2008.
The opening of the Customers’ service centers of Flagship category is the important stage in the course of restructuring of OJSC “NWT”’s own distribution network aimed at the forming of unified network of divisions working with customers. "Flagship" in Syktyvkar will become the central service office for physical persons and corporate customers of the Komi branch of OJSC “NWT”. Here one can test and connect any of the Company’s service. Within the framework of implementing the concept of raising the level of customers’ services in new customers’ offices of OJSC “NWT” the service is carried out on the grounds of "оne window": when addressing the operator, the customer receives the whole set of services needed from advise and demonstration to signing the contract and paying for it. Besides, the room for physical customers is equipped with electronic system of queue managing which allows to maximally shorten the waiting time. Special negotiation rooms are open for corporate customers.
The Head of the Republic of Komi Vladimir Torlopov, the Chairman of State Council Marina Istikhovskaya, Minister of Industry and Energetics of the Republic Konstantin Maltsev, heads of the Republic’s leading enterprises and companies have taken part in the ceremony of opening the “Flagship”. The "North-West Telecom" was represented by Deputy General Manager, commercial director Oleg Popov, by the Regional Director, director of the Komi OJSC “NWT”’s branch Vikentyi Kozlov and others.
In his welcome speech, the head of the republic of Komi Vladimir Torlopov thanked the "North-West Telecom" for its effective work in the region and fulfillment of all the clauses of the Agreement concluded between the Republic and OJSC “NWT”. Vladimir Alexandrovich named the new Customers’ Service Centre a good example of well thought policy aimed not only onto the sales of service, but to the creation of comfortable atmosphere for the customers. "Your "Flagship" may be considered the standard for service centres. I am sure that it will be really comfortable for people here", stated the Head of the Republic.
The Speaker of the Republic’s Parliament Marina Istikhovskaya mentioned that the "new Centre will allow to solve the main task for any commercial organization, including the “North-West Telecom”, the task of good customers’ service. It’s very pleasant that on the eve of the Day of the Republic a new modern service centre of one of the largest communication operators of the North-West Region has been opened in the very centre of the Republic’s capital".