OREANDA-NEWS. On August 18, 2009 "EXPO.UZ 2009" (Made in Uzbekistan) national exhibition of Uzbekistan's export oriented production timed to the 18th anniversary of the country's independence opened at the pavilions and open areas of Uzexpocenter exposition complex in Tashkent. The annual traditional event will last three days.

Participation in "EXPO.UZ" is a unique opportunity to put right partner relations with producers of Uzbekistan, as well as to conclude mutually beneficial and long-term contracts straightly at the stands of the exhibition. Over 300 exhibitors took part in the analogous exhibition in 2008. During the work of the exhibition about 900 negotiations were conducted and over 100 contracts and protocols of intentions were concluded worth approximately 10 billion soums.

There are the newest elaborations, anew mastered products on the booths. Their quality meets international standards and has a big demand in domestic and foreign markets. Opening the autumn exhibition season, "EXPO.UZ 2009" became a visual demonstration of creative processes occurring in the republic.

In spite of the global financial economic crisis, implementation of profoundly considered and successive socioeconomic politics based on five fundamental principles of reforming worked out by the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov as well taking of timely anti-crisis steps ensured stable, balanced development of economics.

When demand and prices for many kinds of export products fell down owing to circumstances beyond our control, the main factor of stability became development of domestic demand for local products in account of realization of development program for industrial and social infrastructure, expansion of manufacture of localized products and cooperated deliveries.

The system steps for support of exporters, further diversification of export and entry the new foreign markets enabled to ensure the increase in program of export by 13.4% and favorable balance of turnover about newscat="news%".6 billion in the first half of 2009.

Exhibits of the exhibition are samples of products made in our country in various industries of economics: from high-tech production such as motorcar construction and aircraft construction, agricultural techniques, industrial and domestic electronics, telecommunication services up to consumer goods - are the best confirmation of achievements.

New design of expositions, and first of all, the newest elaborations and samples of products demonstrate in the exhibition both already well known enterprises and the new ones. Here are products meeting the highest requirements of international standards made by enterprises of oil-gas, chemical and electrical engineering industries.

Exposition of GM Uzbekistan, a giant car maker, has an immutable interest. Today the motorcar construction industry of Uzbekistan is not only motorcars themselves. For these years according to localization program the numerous joint ventures for manufacturing spare parts have been established.

Modern finishing and construction materials, agricultural techniques, products made of cotton and samples of finished knitted and textile garments, variety of Uzbek silk, wool fabrics, shoes, astrakhan wares, furniture and works of masters of folk applied are demonstrated in the "EXPO.UZ 2009" exhibition.

In truth, the export of fruit-vegetables products has huge resources, including their processing. And this part of exposition is in particular traditionally brightly shown in the present exhibition. The wide assortment of juices, jams, ice-creams, marked wines, dried fruits, chips, candied peel, extracts, pectin and other food-stuffs of food, meat-dairy and confectionery industries will be exhibited by numerous joint ventures and local enterprises of the republic.

For years of independence the export has became an important direction in enterprises' activity and a criterion for the estimation of their development and of all economy as a whole. At the present in fact all branches and many enterprises are involved into foreign economic activity and actively master foreign markets.

Firmly positive dynamics of export during the last four years and first half of current year is a natural result of further strengthening economic reforms, successive work infield of attraction of foreign investment, development of export potential and growth of manufacturing goods and services in local enterprises.