Irkutskenergo Branch Companies Prepare for Winter Strictly in Time
OREANDA-NEWS. On 20 August 2009 was announced, that the branch companies of JSC Irkutskenergo prepare for the 2009-2010 heating season within the time fixed in the approved schedule. As Deputy Chief Engineer of Irkutskenergo Roman Gubanov said at the meeting of the Irkutsk Region Government, all activities are financed at a 100% level.
Coal deposits are over 2m tons; under the plan, they should be 1m 800k tons. Fuel deposits are 5k 600 tons, compared to the planned amount of 5k 800 tons. Saved hydro resources equal 21bn 500m kW*h, that is by 4bn 500m kW*h more than in 2008.
According to Roman Gubanov, generating equipment, boilers and thermal and electric networks are being repaired under the schedule. In particular, the company’s workers repaired its thermal networks at 63%. However, there are some problems with maintenance and repair of consumer networks: only 13% of them have certificates of preparation.