OREANDA-NEWS. On 19 August 2009 was announced, that Valeriy Kolotilin previously holding a post of Deputy General Director for Production is appointed General Director of OOO Gazpromneft-Nefteservis.
Valeriy Kolotilin’s scope of authorities will include the issues of control over operating and financial activities of oilfield services companies, their competitive growth, implementation of the unified system of Gazprom Neft’s oilfield services assets management, development of oilfield services market in Gazprom Nefts regions of presence.
Valeriy Valeryevich Kolotilin was born on August 15, 1963 in the village of Zhuravskoye of the Stavropol Territory. In 1986, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Petroleum and Gas n.a. Gubkin with a degree of a Mining Engineer for Oil and Gas Well Drilling. His professional experience started in 1987 in Sutorminsk Drilling Department of Noyabrskneftegas, where he rose from a driller to the Chief Engineer. From September 2004 till April 2008, Valeriy Kolotilin changed several positions in the subdivisions of JSC TNK-BP: Head of the Drilling Supervising Section – Regional Manager of JSC Orenburgneft, Chief Drilling Specialist of the Production Department of Oil Field Services Block of JSC TNK-BP Management. In April 2008, he changed over to the position of a Deputy General Director for Production in OOO Gazpromneft-Nefteservis.