OREANDA-NEWS. August 17, 2009. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the progress in implementing the projects of development of the capital and its suburbs aboard the helicopter. The Turkmen leader made the working trip at the request of Vice Premier D. Orazov, who was in charge of construction sector, and Ashgabat Khyakim A. Bilishev, reported the Official website turkmenistan.gov.tm.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov considered the projects on construction of a variety of facilities designed on his instructions before getting aboard. The President said that these projects should be improved to that they would blend well with the architectural ensemble of the city. The President suggested adding the modern design element to the architectural look of future buildings

During the flight the President inspected the construction sites that increased in number in the city with every passing year. Attaching paramount importance to the urban development policy the Turkmen leader had initiated a number of the projects aimed at beautifying Ashgabat and making it comfortable for people.

This time the President flew around the important construction sites in the city centre and the southern part where the new cultural and business city centre was being formed. The Turkmen leader inspected the proposed location of future flyovers and junctions. Modernization of the highway network was conditioned by rapid expansion of the city and its role as the largest transport centre of the country as well as the region.

Flying around the construction in the President inspected the pace and quality of works. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions to Vice Premier D. Orazov and Ashgabat Khyakim A. Bilishev who accompanied the President during the flight. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded that strict control of the quality and compliance of the facilities under construction to the technical standards and requirements and said that landscape design technologies should be more actively adopted in town planning practice.

Upon concluding the working meeting the Turkmen leader focused on the need for full-scale implementation of the urban development programmes aimed at making Ashgabat amore beautiful and comfortable.