OREANDA-NEWS. August 17, 2009. 27 transactions were concluded at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week, reported the Official website turkmenistan.gov.tm.

The transactions in the foreign currency were concluded to the sum of over US 69.312 million. The businessmen from Georgia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Switzerland and Bahamas bought liquefied gas, low sulphur reduced fuel oil, polypropylene, kerosene and A-92 petrol produced at Turkmenbashi oil refinery.

The businessmen from Iran bought A grade salt cake. The buyers from Singapore, Liechtenstein, Russia, China, the United Arab Emirates, Belarus, the Virgin Islands concluded the transactions for ginned cotton, cotton wool, cotton lint, refined cotton oil, tomato paste, gray cloth.

The transactions in deposit manats were concluded for cotton cake, refined cotton oil, cotton yarn, cotton waste and dyed terry towels. The buyer countries: the United States, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Mauritius. The transactions totaled over 3.738 deposit manats.