Profit of FEGC Amounted Rubles 204.6 mln in 1H 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. On 17 August 2009 was announced, that net profit of JSC “Far Eastern Generating Company” earned in the first half of the year 2009 is amounted 204.6 million Roubles. In the same period of the last year the energy company gets the loss in amount of Roubles 597.4 mil. The result of the first quarter of 2009 has been recorded profit in amount of 941.2 million Roubles.
Decrease of the amount of the profit in the second quarter as compared with the first one of 2009 is caused by seasonal reduce of the earnings from the realization of the heat and electric power and reduction of electric power produce. The electric power reduce is provoked by mostly the decrease of electric power consumption in the region. In addition to it due to changes in the order of designation by the System operator of UES of Russia of the technical and technology minimum of the load of stations equipment and also due to excessively impoundment of the water reservoirs of the Far Eastern HPS, there has been reduced the load of the power stations of JSC “Far Eastern Generating Company”.
At the same time the financial result of JSC “FEGC” in the first half of 2009 is above plan on Roubles 231 mil. It becomes possible thanks to directional activity of JSC “FEGC” in expenses administration in the company in all the fields of activity. In the energy company are reduced the expenses by reducing fuel rates at the power stations, reducing the consumption of fuel oil, optimization of regimes of operation of energy equipment by loading more efficient capacities, reducing the losses of the heat power and tightening of contract conditions and conducting regulated procurements.
In JSC “FEGC” is going on the realization of the complex program for further optimization of expenses and financial rehabilitation of the energy company.