General Director of FEGC Conducted Meeting at Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2
OREANDA-NEWS. On 17 August 2009 was announced, that in the work of the meeting have taken part the Chief Engineers of JSC “FEGC” A.D. TURAPIN, the First Deputy General Director of JSC “FEGC” S.N. KOBTSEV, Deputy General Director of JSC “FEGC” V/K/ MATVIENKO, General Director of JSC “Khabarovskaya Repair and Installation Company” B.M. KUNTULOV, Director of the branch “Primorskaya Generating Company” of JSC “FEGC” I.I. FRANTSEV, engineering personnel of the power station.
We remind you that from 2007 VCHPP-2 is incorporated in the JSC “Far Eastern Generating Company”. Since that time at the station there are conducting weekly sittings of Antirecessionary group (ARG), due to the power station have been in the brink of serious breakdowns. In the last year at the VCHPP-2 there has been carried out large scale technical re-equipment, in the result of which the station reached the record level of load of MW500. Besides it the last heating season the power station has passed in normal working regime, without serious failure incidents, able to affect to sales of heat and electric power. From March 2009 the Antirecessionary group sittings are conducted twice a month.
Nowadays in the VCHPP-2 there is actively carrying out the realization of repair program. Within the frames of the preparation to heating season of 2009-2010 have already fulfilled midlife and current repairs of boiler units ##5, 9, 8, 11, 12, 14. At the boilers #2 and #3 are carrying out repair works. There is fulfilled overhaul turbine generator #6. Seven boiler units are in operation.
In the course of the meeting the special attention has been paid to fulfillment of the program for increasing the reliability and efficiency of operation of the energy equipment of Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2. Summing up the meeting, Valery LEVIT has said: “The station not only technically, but in terms of human factor is turned to the right direction. VCHPP-2 is moving in the right way. Nevertheless, we must not relax ourselves, it is necessary to work with even stronger wim”.