Uzbekistan Population Reaches 27,733 mln Persons
OREANDA-NEWS. August 10, 2009. As of 1 July 2009, the number of the resident population in Uzbekistan was 27.733 million persons and has increased from the beginning of the current year by 200,400 persons or by 0.7%, according to the preliminary data.
The natural increase was 214,900 persons, 124,700 of them (58%) fall upon rural area, the Uzbek State Statistics Committee said.
In January-June 2009, the number of births was 282,600 persons and decreased by 25,100 persons or 8.2% year-on-year. The birth rate decreased from 22.7 pro mil in January-June 2008 to 20.6 pro mil in January-June 2009.
The decrease in birth rate was observed in Namangan region (from 23.7 to 19.8 pro mil), Andijan region (from 23.4 to 19.4 pro mil), Syrdarya region (from 24.4 to 21.4 pro mil) and Samarkand region (from 24.6 to 21.4 pro mil).
The death rate has increased in Syrdarya region. The highest death rate remains in the city of Tashkent (7.3 pro mil). Out of the total number of dead 60.1% died of cardiovascular diseases, 7.3% – neoplasms, 6.6% - respiratory diseases, 6.1% - accidents, poisonings and traumas.
In January-June 2009, about 96,500 marriages and 8,400 divorces were registered. There were 7 marriages and 0.6 divorces per 1,000 persons.