SEB Leasing Holds Marathon
OREANDA-NEWS. August 07, 2009. SEB Leasing, in association with Hawaii Express and the Tartu Marathon Club, will be awarding the person who crosses the finishing line in 1223rd place at the SEB Tartu Rollerblading Marathon with a brand new pair of FILA Nine 100 rollerblades, reported the press-centre of SEB.
The 1223rd place finishers of both the 15 km and 36 km marathons will receive the prize.
“We’ve already awarded prizes to those who’ve finished 1223rd in three Tartu Marathon Club competitions this year,” explained Indrek Julge, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SEB Leasing. “And whoever finishes 1223rd in the SEB Tartu Cycling Marathon on 20 September will be receiving a prize, too!”
The 3rd SEB Tartu Rollerblading Marathon is being held on Sunday 9 August. A record 1350 rollerbladers have already registered for the event.
SEB has been supporting the Tartu Marathon Club since 1997 and has been its main sponsor since 2003. By supporting the four Tartu-based events, SEB is contributing to the promotion of health through sport. Active, healthy lifestyles are valued by SEB as they help to ensure our good health and good spirits – by keeping us fit and allowing us to forget our everyday concerns for a little while, make the most of the natural environment and fresh air and enjoy the company of friendly people.