OREANDA-NEWS. August 07, 2009. "Kubanskaya Energosbytovaya Kompania [Energy Supplier]" OJSC ("Kuban'energosbyt" OJSC) paid a "turnover" fine imposed by the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the Krasnodar region (the Krasnodar OFAS Russia) for violating Part 1 Article 10 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition" (abusing dominant position), reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

The Krasnodar OFAS Russia found that "Kuban'energosbyt" OJSC, the provider of last resort in the Krasnodar region, violated the antimonopoly legislation. The court instances confirmed validity of the conclusions made by the antimonopoly body.

After the Cassation Instance (the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus region) upheld the rulings of the Arbitration and Appeal Courts on the case, the Krasnodar OFAS Russia fined "Kuban'energosbyt" OJSC 1,017,230 Rubles under Article 14,31 of the Code on Administrative Violations. The company paid the fine within the statutory period.