Builders of Ukraine Gratitude for Start of Anti-Crisis Program
OREANDA-NEWS. August 06, 2009. Builders have expressed their gratitude to the Government for the approved Anti-Crisis Program directed for financing of uncompleted objects. It was stated today during a briefing on the outcomes of the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by Olexandr Lysychnyi (Dnipro-Invest-Bud building corporation), Volodymyr Mikunov (Zhytlobud building corporation), Yurii Mykhnovetskyi (Knyagynya Yaroslavna financial company).
In particular, Olexandr Lysychnyi expressed gratitude to the Government and personally to Yulia Tymoshenko for assistance to the building domain which had mostly suffered influence of financial-economic crunch. “I wish to express my personal gratitude to the Government and especially to Yulia Volodymyrivna for in such complicated period of the crisis she is making state procurement, in such period when housing market is practically idling away, the Government backs us, builders, a building branch, building industry,” he stressed.
In his turn, expressing his gratitude on behalf of Zhytlobud workers Volodymyr Mikunov underlined that “approved by the Cabinet of Ministers resolution stipulating organization of purchase of budget flats will give a bigger impetus so that to have chance to cease slowing down of construction works within the state and give an opportunity to stimulate the building branch by the state purchase”. At this, he noted, the mentioned Governmental decision is one of the most effective over recent period.
Yurii Mykhnovetsky emphasized that the financial company Knyagynya Yaroslavna that is also participating in building of accommodation through financing fund backs initiatives of the Gov’t concerning providing people with social accommodation.
During its session on Wednesday the Gov’t adopted a series of decisions which trigger a mechanism of purchase of social accommodation by the state from building organizations in houses with maximal readiness level. These decisions give chance, on the one hand, to provide vulnerable layers of the society with flats, and on the other – to stimulate growth of amounts of production in building and adjacent areas.