GRASYS Supplied Adsorption Nitrogen Plant for LLC Eurocable-1
OREANDA-NEWS. August 3, 2009. Pursuant to a recent contract, GRASYS has supplied to Shchelkovo based LLC Eurocable-1 an adsorption nitrogen plant. Nitrogen to be produced with GRASYS plant will be used as an inhibitor of polymers ultraviolet curing for marking optic fiber produced by the plant.
The Eurocable-1 is the leading Russian manufacturer of European quality optic fiber with the production capacity of up to 50 thousand kilometers per year. The supplied adsorption nitrogen system, making of GRASYS, is rated for 27 nm3/hr of 99.99% nitrogen from air.
The adsorption nitrogen plant supplied by GRASYS consists of the air compressor, air treatment unit, adsorption gas separation units and the control system.
The significant advantage of GRASYS plants is the simplicity of their control and operation. Due to full automation, the plants do not require constant control. Other major advantages of adsorption nitrogen systems are low energy consumption, minimum operating costs and reliability.
Adsorption nitrogen plants suit a virtually broad range of applications, especially those where high nitrogen purity is required. The plants find use in chemical, petrochemical, petroleum, as well as food industry, in pharmaceutics, microelectronics etc.