Azerbaijani Banks’ Net Foreign Assets Grew by 3.2% for June 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. August 3, 2009. In June 2009 Azerbaijani banks’ net foreign assets (NFA) grew by 3.16% versus rise of 8.6% in May, 0.9% in April, decline of 15.8% in March and 7.5% in February, rise of 1.5% in January 2009, 13.88% in December 2008 and 40.55% for 2008.
For Jan-June 2009 NFA declined by 17.1% since early 2009 but rose by 12.9% against the indicator by 1st July 2008.
The Central Bank of Azerbaijan informed that by 1st July sector’s NFA totaled AZN 3.348 mln versus AZN 3.245bn on 1st June, AZN 3.217 bn by 1st May, AZN 3.189 bn by 1st April, AZN 3.787 bn by 1st March, AZN 4.09 bn by 1st February, AZN 4.036 bn by 1st January 2009 and AZN 3.842bn by 1st July 2008.
NFA of the Central Bank (CB) of Azerbaijan reached AZN 4.176bn versus AZN 4.134bn, AZN 4.105 bn, AZN 4.132 bn, AZN 4.754 bn, AZN 5.07 bn, AZN 5.115 bn and AZN 44.435bn respectively and commercial banks’ NFA – (-AZN 756.4 million) versus (-AZN 808.1million), (-AZN 888.3 million), (-AZN 806.8 million), (-774.3 million), (-AZN 770.8 million), (-AZN 868.8 million) and (-AZN 340.4 million) respectively. In 2008 this highest NFA was registered by 1st May (AZN 4.315 bn), when NB’s NFA reached AZN 4.56 bn and commercial banks’ NFA (-AZN 18 million).
By 1st July CB had only AZN 4.233bn of overall foreign assets with AZN 56.8 million of foreign liabilities while commercial banks had AZN 1.088bn of foreign assets with AZN 1.845bn of foreign liabilities.
CB’s foreign assets reached their maximal level in end-2008 (AZN 5.18 bn) and commercial bank’s foreign assets by 1st November 2008 (AZN 1.54 bn).
As of 1st July of the year net domestic assets (NDA) amounted AZN 3.346bn versus AZN 3.366bn by 1st July, versus AZN 3.285 bn by 1st May AZN 3.208 bn by 1st April, AZN 3.54 bn by 1st March, AZN 3.9 bn by 1st February, AZN 4.458 bn by January of the year, and AZN 3.494bn by 1st June 2008. At the same time, by the reported date CB’s NDA totaled (-AZN 239.6 million) and commercial banks’ NDA – AZN 4.310bn.
By 1st July 2009 exchange rate was AZN 0.8042 to the US dollar.