Batumi Oil Terminal LTD Took International Certificates
OREANDA-NEWS. On 31 July 2009 was announced, that OOO “Batumi Oil Terminal LTD”, transferring oil and mineral oil company in Batumi, took international certificates in accordance with international standards ISO 9001:2008 (Quality management system), ISO 14001:2004 (Ecological management system) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Protection of labour and industrial safety management system).
Certification process presided by top-level certificate company OOO “Bureau Veritas”.
Main directions of OOO “Batumi Oil Terminal LTD” – transferring oil, mineral oil and liquefied hydrocarbon gas in consideration with all interested parties' requirements. Company is directed to improve work conditions and industrial safety, organizing wide-ranging conservancy activities, aimed to reduce impact of historical and current factors to the environment.
The general director OOO “Batumi Oil Terminal LTD” Temitkhan Abdirov said: “Our Company started certification process in the middle of 2006. From that day we have made proactive activities, work out and introduced procedures, organized activities for minimizing negative impacts on the environment. I want to thank our staffs who have contributed significantly for this project. We are proud for taking 3 certificates at the same time; it is become possible because of our unity in collective, strong corporate spirit and good management.
After working out and introducing management systems, OOO “Batumi Oil Terminal LTD” raised internal requirements, made staff training and reengineering of internal procedures in management system bounds, determined mechanisms of conversancy activities administration and industrial risks.
The director of marketing and developing “Bureau Veritas” of Black-sea region Ashot Artutyan said: “It is second in “Bureau Veritas” ` history and first in
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