RusSEZ TD for Moscow Region Held Training
OREANDA-NEWS. On 31 July 2009 was announced, that the representatives of state contracts under the programme of informatization of Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones on 2009 held for employees of Territorial Directorates of RusSEZ for Moscow Region training on problems of trial operation computer-based information systems the RusSEZ.
Employees RusSEZ TD for Moscow Region has been presented the structure computer-based information systems the RusSEZ, shown the work in a test mode of main subsystems computer-based information systems the RusSEZ: on-site work of users in the mode of "Single Window" (SAPG ARP), use completed on as concern of monitoring, analysis, forecasting and valuation of efficiency of activity RusSEZ TD for Moscow Region composed of computer-based information systems RusSEZ (SAPG MAPE. Within the training frameworks were the consultations were held of users in workplaces for work with computer-based information system the RusSEZ, loginy and the passwords for access to computer-based information system the RusSEZ have been issued, the consultations were held on procedure for conducting of trial operation computer-based information systems the RusSEZ in RusSEZ TD for Moscow Region, on problems of their interaction with technical support service and <hot line> in the mode of remote access.
Preliminary, for purposes of training conduction, representatives of state contracts were implemented by work of testing of soft and hardwares.
Since the end of July on September 2009 the users RusSEZ TD for Moscow Region can carry out testing stipulated the computer-based systems with the aim of formation of proposals for finishing the software installed. In the same the period of time of test mode the specialists RusSEZ TD for Moscow Region together with specialists Limited Societies <Technocads> - of executor of state contract № 54 of June 9 2009 will form working proposals for computerization of throughput regime in the territory "of the SEZ Dubna" using of electronic maps (omissions ), as well as concern of necessary finishing computer-based system SAPG ARP using by the municipal geoinformation system - GIS <the electronic duty map of the town the Dubna>.