RusSEZ Took Part in Russian-Chinese Working Group on Problems of SEZ
OREANDA-NEWS. On 24 July 2009 was announced, that deputy head of the Directorate of Technology-Innovative Zones of RusSEZ A. V. Berestov from 20 to 22 July 2009 composed of Russian delegation took part in third meeting Russian-Chinese working group on the problems of special economic zones subcommittee on trade and economic cooperation Russian-Chinese commission for preparation regular meetings heads of Governments, which was held in Peking.
In his report on meeting of expert, preparing the documents for signature of the protocol of third meeting of Russian-Chinese working group, A. V. Berestovs informed the Chinese side on current state of the matter on development TIZ and suggested following direction of cooperation development:
Allocation in the TIZ of Chinese hi-tech enterprises and research centres, including in the area of nanotechnology, medical technologies and other priority directions of technology-innovative activity.
Extension of mutual contacts science representatives of and science-intensive parties business in the Russian of TIZ.
Expansion of cooperation of TIZ residents with Chinese enterprises.
Creation of conditions for formation and realization in the TIZ of joint Russian-Chinese projects with the assistance of Russian innovation companies, including on the basis of establishing a joint-venture.
A. V. Berestovs on meeting of expert noted that in the basis of development and formation of Russian the TIZ lies cluster approach, providing the effective interaction of innovation companies in general and related the scopes of activities. About of all TIZ residents carry on projects in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, 25% - are developing the nanosistem industry and nanomaterials.
In residence time in the People's Republic of China A. V. Berestovs visited the pekin zone of economic and technological development, where they has acquainted with the infrastructure built, going concerns, conditions for authority of technology-innovative, innovation and production activity in the hi-tech sphere. According to results 2007 and 2008 it was recognized some of the best in the People's Republic of