Rostov NPP Is Ready for Hydro-Testing and Circulatory Washing
OREANDA-NEWS. July 9, 2009. Director General of Atomtekhenergo OJSC (part of Atomenergoprom OJSC) Eduard Saakov said that the facility was ready for the testing. “Everything is ready for the hydro-testing and circulatory washing,” he said.
The head of the office-the director of Nizhniy Novgorod Atomenergoproekt OJSC (NIAEP, part of Atomenergoprom OJSC) Valery Limarenko said that the start-up program was being implemented according to the schedule.
Deputy Director of Atomenergoprom OJSC Alexander Polushkin, who supervises the construction of all nuclear reactors in Russia, pointed out that the interaction between the general contractor and sub-contractors of the Rostov NPP-2 project might serve as an example for the contractors of the other projects.
The next stage is the hot operational testing of the reactor and the turbine. Head of the Directorate for the Construction of Rostov Nuclear Power Plant Alexander Palamarchuk said: “We are moving in the right direction. The start-up work requires high responsibility from each participant.”
The parties also spoke about the start of the construction of the 3rd unit of Rostov NPP. The general contractor of the construction of the 3rd and 4th units, Nizhniy Novgorod Atomenergoproekt, has already obtained the necessary license and financing. Director of NIAEP Valery Limarenko said that in the third and fourth quarters of 2009 they had to spend almost 1.5bln RUR. Polushkin said that the construction of the 3rd unit would be financed, in any case, irrespective of the economic crisis.