Megabank Participated in Seminar Devoted to Harvest Campaign
OREANDA-NEWS. On July 03, 2009 Representatives of PLC "Megabank" participated in an agroseminar. Leaders of agro enterprises and farms of the Lozovskoy district of Kharkov oblast, regional state administration, chairmen of village soviet, as well as bank’s representatives discussed the problems of a forthcoming harvest campaign, financing of farmers and enterprises of agro sector, reported the press-centre of Megabank.
During the seminar the manager of the Megabank’s branch “Lozovskoe” Sergey Borets emphasized the attention on programs and products, which the banks offers today to entrepreneurs, involved in agro business. First of all, they spoke about the agro lending program.
As the participants of the event noticed, such meetings are very useful, since, on the one hand, enable the bank to bring the service info directly to interested target group of clients, and on the other – increase information awareness and let the entrepreneurs use these services.
Reference. PLC "Megabank" together with the Program of micro-lending in Ukraine has implemented new products for small and medium businesses. For entrepreneurs (incl. small peasant farms), the business of which is linked with production and processing of agricultural products, stock breeding, infrastructure, servicing this sector, the bank offers bank products "Express-agrocredit" and "Micro-agrocredit".