OJSC N.W.Telecom Introduced Single Number of Access
OREANDA-NEWS. July 6, 2009. Starting from 1st July 2009, single telephone numbers (access codes) are introduced on the communication networks of the regional branches of OJSC N.W.Telecom in using the reserved long-distance and international communication servicing system* of the OJSC Rostelecom telecommunications operator.
Now, to use the long-distance telephone communication via the reserved system (to call a subscriber in another entity of the Russian Federation through Call Centre operator), a subscriber of OJSC N.W.Telecom must dial 8 (beep) 181. The number for using the international telephone communication through a Call Centre operator is 8 (beep) 191.
OJSC N.W. Telecom is switching over to the single numbers of access to the reserved servicing system by dialling 8- 181 and 8–191 in compliance with the Order of the RF Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication No. 142 of 17.11.2006 "On Approving and Putting into Operation the Russian Numbering System and Plan".
More information is available from the information and reference services of the branches of OJSC N.W.Telecom, including number 8-142, from the sales and service outlets of OJSC N.W.Telecom in the place of residence and at Internet offices of OJSC N.W.Telecom.