AeroSvit Is Among Top Five in Corporate Social Responsibility Rating
OREANDA-NEWS. On 03 July 2009 was announced, that “Aerosvit-UkrainianAirlines” was named among the top five companies of the recent corporate social responsibility rating conducted by
- "Microsoft
- "SunInBev
- "Halnaftohaz Concern"
- "OTP Bank"
- "Aerosvit-Ukrainian Airlines"
"We believe that in the nearest future the Ukrainian business, driven by core values, will develop from being a brand enhancement too land an element to deepen PR and CSR studies, to a source of encouragement for innovations", – states LvBS.
The study involved a selection of 100 companies–members of five largest national ratings of 2008 (of the most successful and the most profitable companies by InvestGazeta, Gvardia-Kontrakty, Komp&nyon). The LvBs analyzed the history and number of all social projects of these companies in the recent four years that were available for public access.
"According to the study, only 9% of companies do not announce their CSR projects linked to their core business at all, 21%of CSR projects are connected with the core business competence of companies, whereas 42% of businesses have a dedicated web page on their websites and publish CSR reports", – LvBS notes